“It
is
better
to
turn
ash
and
fly
than
dust;
it
is
better
to
throw
a
blazing
fire,
and
the
light
will
be
extinguished;
not
apanied
by
silent
and
decaying
wood,
silently
decay。”
(宁化灰飞,不作浮尘;宁投熊熊烈火,光尽而灭;不伴寂寂朽木,默然同腐。)
“It
is
better
to
turn
ash
and
fly
than
dust;
it
is
better
to
throw
a
blazing
fire,
and
the
light
will
be
extinguished;
not
apanied
by
silent
and
decaying
wood,
silently
decay。”
(宁化灰飞,不作浮尘;宁投熊熊烈火,光尽而灭;不伴寂寂朽木,默然同腐。)