Let
me
get
you
one。”
Joe同样点了一杯啤酒,三人坐在酒吧的角落里,Joe打量着李晗,说到”
So
what’s
the
plan?
You
look
really
hot。”
“She
is
pretty
shy,
let’s
have
some
drinks
first,
maybe
we
can
talk
a
little
bit
more。”Luis一只手搂着李晗的肩膀,像是在宣誓主权一样。
“
Of
course
Let
me
get
you
one。”
Joe同样点了一杯啤酒,三人坐在酒吧的角落里,Joe打量着李晗,说到”
So
what’s
the
plan?
You
look
really
hot。”
“She
is
pretty
shy,
let’s
have
some
drinks
first,
maybe
we
can
talk
a
little
bit
more。”Luis一只手搂着李晗的肩膀,像是在宣誓主权一样。
“
Of
course