too~”
说完Luis将李晗抱在自己的怀里,亲了她的额头。
“
What
is
your
plan
today
Luis?”
“
Have
a
lot
sex
with
you?!”
“Whaaat??”李晗吃惊的看着他,心里想着不会吧,我现在下体还在痛呢!
“Hahah,
will
give
you
some
time
to
relax,
too
much
exercise
for
you
yesterday。
What
you
want
too~”
说完Luis将李晗抱在自己的怀里,亲了她的额头。
“
What
is
your
plan
today
Luis?”
“
Have
a
lot
sex
with
you?!”
“Whaaat??”李晗吃惊的看着他,心里想着不会吧,我现在下体还在痛呢!
“Hahah,
will
give
you
some
time
to
relax,
too
much
exercise
for
you
yesterday。
What
you
want